ISSCOM 29 October 2002 (030) Soyuz-TMA-1: \ This newest version of the good old Soyuz concept will start from Baykonur on 30.10.02 for a so called taxi flight with Zalyotin, Lonchakov and the Belgian de Winne. Callsigns respectively: Yenisey-1, 2 and 3. For the Netherlands radio communications can be expected at approx. 4.5 hours after launch. Communications: On 29.10.02 during orbit ISS 22496, 0905-0915UTC, for me old times seemed to revive: The ISS was called by the tracking ship Kosmonavt Georgiy Dobrovolskiy. Korzun reported that he received the KGD loud and clear, but regretfully KGD did not receive ISS. Korzun's calls started when ISS passed TCA for the Netherlands. Thus far I do not know the position of the KGD. Also unknown if this traffic has something to do with the operations with S-TMA-1. B.t.w. : ISSCOM.029 is not ready. This number will be used for an overview. Chris van den Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202