MIRNEWS.146 16 SEPTEMBER 1992 EXTRA VEHICULAR ACTIVITIES (EVA-S) MIR-CREW: General: Main purpose of these recently executed 4 EVA-s was the installation of the VDU (attitude control thruster) in the top of the Soforamast. The area in which the cosmonauts had to work was located on distance of appr. 31 meters from the exithatch of Module-D (Kvant-2). To reach the freighter Progress-M14 (attached to the Kvant-1 module) the cosmonauts had to walk along a hazardous trajectory with a lot of obstacles (antennae, sensors, solarpanels, experimental platforms, etc.) During the work on and near Kvant-1 they have to do all to avoid collisions with vital devices. The container with the VDU had to be removed from the mid-section of the Pr-M14. This they performed during the 1st EVA. It was possible to bend the top of the Soforomast to the VDU -the mast has some hinges enabling this. During all EVA-s Peter (from Altair) and I (from VHF) monitored a lot of interesting radiotraffic. Via a frequency used during EVA-s interference from aeronautical stations -possibly around 132.8 mc- can be heard on the downlinks making monitoring difficult. Obviously this does not influence the quality of the signals between the cosmonauts. 1st EVA Solovyov and Avdeyev: 3.09.92 1330-1749UTC. Removing of the container with the VDU from Pr-M14. 2d EVA: 7.09 from 1145-1650UTC. Lowering the Sovietflag, bending the Soforamast, attaching cables and supports, lowering and removing of the Soviet flag. A lot of interesting radiotraffic could be monitored by Peter from Altair. After the EVA the crew transmitted recorded TV images to Earth. 3th EVA: 11.09.92 1010-1545UTC. Fixing the VDU in top of the Soforamast and erecting the mast. 4th EVA: 15.09.92 0810-1122UTC (originally planned for the period 0810-1410UTC). Ultimate checks and adjustments of the VDU-supports and cables. Also some activities regarding other matters: bringing back materials from the outside of Kvant-1. These materials have been exposed to open space for a long time. They also brought back some experimental solar cells. The crew did some maintenance work on Kvant's Kurs-antenna. They installed a modification to enhance the docking operations of Soyuz-TM-s and Progress-M-s to the aft docking port. (A Russian press report undoubtedly will cause some confusion among experts. In the opinion of Radio Moscow's source the modification was necessary to make dockings of Buran -and eventual Hermes- to the MIR-complex possible. Buran never can dock to the Kvant (aft) docking port. Those dockings are only possible to the special docking device -the well-known modified ASTP-system- on Module-T -Kristall. To make such dockings possible Module-T has to be redocked from the lateral to the axial forward docking port of the transition section.) Chris v.d. Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202.